Posts by category
- Family: Yikes! ... & ... Yay! with Fr. Joe Kempf
- Prayer Service
- Living Stations of the Cross
- Living Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Fish Fry
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Holy Saturday
- Good Friday
- Holy Thursday
- Lenten Mass
- Lenten Mass
- Confessions following 9:15 Mass
- Men's Welcome Retreat Agape Service
- Blood Drive
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass (school)
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Catholic School Week
- Festival of Ministries after all Masses
- Festival of Ministries After Masses
- St. Pat's Celebration
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Parish Mission
- Reconciliation
- Parish Mission
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Confession
- Rosary Rally
- Knights Open House
- NO Confessions
- NO Confessions
- Date Night
- No Confessions
- NO Confessions
- Solemnity of Mary Mass
- Solemnity of Mary Mass
- Solemnity of Mary
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Festival of Ministries - CANCELLED
- Festival of Ministries - CANCELLED
- Men's Club Trivia
- Happy Birthday, Fr. Fennewald!
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- All School Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Men's Advent Tailgate
- Blood Drive
- Live Nativity
- Breakfast with Santa
- NO Confessions
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Men's Welcome Retreat
- Women's Welcome Retreat
- Holy Infant School Open House
- NO Confessions Today
- Halloween Organ Concert
- Polyhymnia
- Advent Tea
- Election Prayer Service
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- Paint n' Sip
- Trunk or Treat
- Mass of Remembrance
- Blood Drive
- All School Mass
- Carlo Acutis
- Date Night
- All School Mass
- Holiday Boutique
- Faith and Poverty
- Parish Auction
- Blood Drive
- Assumption Mass
- Assumption Mass
- Assumption Mass
- Assumption Mass
- No Confessions Today
- Pipes for Parkinson's
- Patriotic Rosary
- Labor Day Mass
- NO confessions today
- Patriotic Rosary
- Independence Day Mass
- Fr. Braun Reception
- Fr. Braun Farewell Liturgy
- Patricia Farewell Party
- No 5:30 pm Mass today!
- Corpus Christi Procession
- Patriotic Rosary
- Memorial Day Mass
- Blood Drive
- Fr. Joe Martin Mass of Thanksgiving
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Totus Tuus
- Msgr. Mike 50th Anniversary Reception
- Msgr. Mike 50th Anniversary Mass
- Star Wars Concert
- PSR First Communion
- School First Communion
- The Conversation: A Catholic Perspective on Cycle of Life Issues
- Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner
- 8th Grade Living Stations of the Cross
- 8th Grade Living Stations of the Cross
- Blood Drive
- Date Night
- Holy Hour with Sacred Music
- Organ Concert with Tim Clark
- The 99 Returns!
- Are you good enough with Fr. Joe Kempf
- St. Pat's Celebration
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Fish Fry
- Lenten Mass
- Lenten Mass
- No Confessions
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Holy Saturday
- Good Friday
- Holy Thursday
- Prayer Service
- Lenten Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass (school)
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- School Open House
- Giving Tree gifts due
- #iGiveCatholic
- Seeing is Believing
- Live Nativity
- Date Night
- The Eucharist is Our Highway to Heaven
- Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist
- Eucharistic Retreat
- Breakfast with Santa
- Holy Happy Hour
- Confessions NOTE TIME CHANGE
- Mass for Sunday
- Mass for Sunday
- Mass for Sunday
- Mass for Sunday
- Mass for Sunday
- Mass
- Men's Club Trivia
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- School First Reconciliation
- PSR First Reconciliation
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass-Gym
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
- Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
- Eucharistic Miracles Presentation
- Mass of Remembrance
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- All Saints Day Mass
- NO Confessions
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Halloween Themed Organ Concert
- All School Mass
- Concrete Work Starts
- Rosary Rally
- Holy Happy Hour
- School Open House
- Trunk or Treat
- Pet Blessing
- HIS Meeting
- Women's Paint-n-Sip Evening
- Blood Drive
- Holy Infant Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Finding Authentic Joy
- Rosary
- Labor Day Mass
- Homeless But Human
- Assumption (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Assumption (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Assumption (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Assumption (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Blood Drive
- Fr. Chris Reception
- Fr. Chris Smith Farewell Liturgy
- Holiday Boutique
- Holy Infant Auction
- NO Confessions
- Patriotic Rosary
- July 4 Mass
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- NO 5:30 pm Mass
- Corpus Christi Procession after 4 pm Mass
- Rummage Rampage Drop Off
- Rummage Rampage Drop Off
- Rummage Rampage 1/2 price sale
- Rummage Sale
- Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner
- Rosary after Mass
- Annual Catholic Appeal Card Pickup
- Annual Catholic Appeal Card Pickup
- Annual Catholic Appeal Card Pickup
- Annual Catholic Appeal Card Pickup
- Lenten Book Study
- Divine Mercy Mass
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Adoration
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Totus Tuus
- NO Confessions
- Rummage Rampage $5 fee
- Morning Prayer
- Living Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Lenten Mass
- Sixth Grade Play
- Memorial Day Mass
- First Communion School
- First Communion PSR
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Confessions
- Holy Happy Hour
- Parish Mission with Fr. Burkemper
- Parish Mission with Fr. Fallon
- Parish Mission with Fr. Anstoetter
- Stations of the Cross
- Holy Happy Hour
- Stations of the Cross
- NO Confessions
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter Vigil
- Good Friday
- Holy Thursday
- Fish Fry
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday (school)
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Blood Drive
- Stories Worth Sharing with Fr. Chris and Deacon Josh
- Holy Happy Hour
- St. Patrick's Celebration
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Men's Club Trivia
- iGiveCatholic Day
- Live Nativity
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass (gym)
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- NO Confessions
- Pancake Breakfast
- Breakfast with Santa
- Pancake Breakfast
- NO Confessions
- Tattoos on the Heart
- Advent Tea
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- NO Confessions
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Clean Car Sunday
- Mass of Remembrance
- All Things New Listening Session
- All Things New Listening Session
- Paint and Sip
- Trunk or Treat
- Bunco
- NO Confessions
- NO Confessions
- The 99
- Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Prayer Service- No Daily Mass
- Prayer Service- No Daily Mass
- Holy Infant Auction Live Event
- Holy Infant Silent Auction
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Holiday Boutique
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Holy Happy Hour
- Holy Happy Hour
- Blood Drive
- Holy Happy Hour
- Parish Office Closed
- NO 5:30 p.m. Mass
- Corpus Christi Procession (inside)
- Drop Off Rummage Sale
- Drop Off Rummage Sale
- Rummage Sale
- Rummage Sale
- Rummage Sale
- Patriotic Rosary
- NO 5:30 pm Mass
- NO Confessions
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Labor Day Mass
- July 4 Mass followed by Patriotic Rosary
- Memorial Day Mass
- Confirmation
- PSR 1st Communion
- School 1st Communion
- Men's Club Trivia
- Altar of Repose-Chapel
- Living Stations of the Cross by the 8th Graders (all school)
- Living Stations of the Cross by the 8th Graders
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Mass
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Chaplet followed by Benediction
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Confessions
- Stations of the Cross
- Confession
- Fish Fry
- Easter Sunday
- Prayer Service
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Vigil
- Passion of the Lord
- Holy Thursday
- Stations of the Cross
- Lenten Mass
- Lenten Mass
- Lenten Mass
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Lent Music and Meditation
- St. Pats Celebration
- Public Rosary
- Blood Drive
- Lenten Program
- Parish Mission
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Immaculate Conception Mass
- Holy Infant School Online Silent Auction
- Rosary Rally
- Paint n' Sip
- Breakfast with Santa
- Mass of Remembrance
- Pet Blessing
- Fishpot Creek Band playing at Mass
- Trunk or Treat
- Holy Infant School Virtual Silent Auction
- Stories Worth Sharing: Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
- Parish Festival: The Boomerangs Band
- Parish Festival: Face Painter
- Parish Festival: Balloon Artist
- Parish Festival: Serengeti Steve
- Parish Festival: 9th Street Surfers Band
- Parish Festival: Paint the Earth Band
- Knights of Columbus Blood Drive
- Holiday Boutique
- Patriotic Rosary after 9am Mass
- Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- BINGO!!!
- 63021 Day
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Labor Day Mass
- Fr. Truss Mass of Thanksgiving and Reception
- Blood Drive
- Patriotic Rosary
- Memorial Day Mass
- NO 5:30 pm Mass
- Corpus Christi Procession
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Confession
- Holy Infant School and Confirmation
- PSR Confirmation
- First Communion-Holy Infant School
- First Communion -PSR
- Distribution of Holy Communion
- Divine Mercy Sunday-Holy Mass
- Divine Mercy Sunday-Rosary and Chaplet
- Lenten Music and Meditation
- Leave No Soul Behind
- Virtual St. Pat's Celebration
- Stations of the Cross
- Fish Fry-Carry out only
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Vigil
- Morning Prayer
- Passion of our Lord
- Mass of the Lord's Supper
- Lenten Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- NO Confession
- Solemnity of Mary Mass
- Solemnity of Mary Mass
- Solemnity of Mary Mass
- Baptism Class (call 227-7440 to register)
- Baptisms (call 227-7440 to register)
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- Parish Office Closed
- National Night of Prayer for Life
- NO Confession
- NO Confession
- No Confession
- Immaculate Conception (not holy day of obligation)
- NO Confession
- Patriotic Rosary
- Confessions
- Confession
- Anniversary of Fr. Smith's Ordination
- Fr. Burkemper's Farewell Mass
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Patriotic Rosary
- July 4 Mass
- Anniversary of Fr. Chris Smith's Ordination
- First Communion-PSR
- First Communion-Holy Infant School
- PSR Confirmation
- PSR Confirmation
- Confession
- Confession
- Adoration
- Parish Office Closed
- Confessions
- Friday with the Fathers
- Confessions
- Adoration
- Confessions
- Confessions
- Adoration
- Confessions
- Adoration
- Facebook Live Divine Mercy Devotions
- Confession
- Confession
- Adoration
- NO Adoration or Confession today!
- Blessed Palms in Vestibule
- Facebook Live Mass
- Facebook Live Mass
- Facebook Live Lord's Passion
- Chrism Mass from Cathedral
- Easter Vigil from Cathedral
- Facebook Live Stations of the Cross
- Facebook Live Easter Sunday Mass
- Facebook Live Mass of the Lord's Supper
- Facebook Live Mass
- Facebook Live Stations of the Cross
- Facebook Live Rosary
- Stations of the Cross via Facebook Live Stream
- Rosary via Facebook Live Stream
- Live Stream Facebook Mass
- Adoration
- Livestream Mass on Facebook
- Pope Francis calls all of us to pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary for the protection of our families.
- Confession
- Confession
- Confession
- Adoration
- 20th Annual Birthright Trivia Night
- Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Solemnity of Mary Vigil Mass
- Resilience: The Ability to Bounce Forward
- Special Viewing of UNPLANNED
- Trunk or Treat
- Adult Faith Formation Presents, "Stories Worth Sharing-Mark and Melanie Pilkenton"
- St. Patrick's Celebration
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Birthright Trivia
- Burning of the Palms
- Welcome-Men's Retreat Weekend
- First Eucharist Family Night
- Sixth Grade Play
- Sixth Grade Play
- Boy Scout Mass and Reception
- American Heritage Girls Family Trivia Night
- Pinewood Derby
- Catholic School's Week
- Catholic School's Week Mass
- Men's Club Trivia
- Confirmation Sponsor and Candidate Evening of Reflection
- Solemnity of Mary-Holy Day of Obligation
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament
- Youth Group Presents "O Holy Night" followed by dinner in Upper Cafeteria
- MOPS Breakfast with Santa
- Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament
- Holy Infant School First Reconciliation
- PSR First Reconciliation
- Holy Infant School Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- PSR Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- PSR Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- Holiday Boutique
- Veteran's Day Celebration
- Confirmation Commitment Ceremony
- Holy Infant School Open House
- Confirmation Commitment Ceremony
- Adult Faith Formation Presents "20th Century Saints and What We Can Learn From Them"
- Mass of Remembrance
- 2nd Grade First Reconciliation Evening of Reflection
- Adult Faith Formation Presents "Angels and Demons"
- Holy Infant School Auction
- Book Fair
- MOPS Bunco
- Bloodmobile
- St. Francis Pet Blessing
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Confirmation Parent Night of Reflection
- Adult Faith Formation Presents, "I Think It's Catholic!"
- Parish Flu Shots
- Baptisms (call 227-7440 to register)
- Baptism Prep Class
- Baptism Prep Class (call 227-7440 to register)
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Labor Day Mass
- Memorial Day Mass
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass (gym)
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Immaculate Conception (not holy day of obligation)
- Immaculate Conception (not holy day of obligation)
- Immaculate Conception (not holy day of obligation)
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday (school)
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (holy day of obligation)
- No 5:30 Mass Today!
- Christmas Mass
- ChristmasMass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass (gym)
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Thanksgiving Day Mass and Food Collection
- All Saints Day (holy day of obligation)
- All Saints Day (holy day of obligation)
- All Saints Day (holy day of obligation)
- All Saints Day (holy day of obligation)
- Labor Day Mass
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (holy day of obligation)
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (holy day of obligation)
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (holy day of obligation)
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (holy day of obligation)
- Baptism-call 227-7440 to register
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Blood Drive
- Rummage Sale
- NO 5:30 pm Mass today
- Corpus Christi Procession, BBQ and Ice Cream Social
- Rummage Sale
- Rummage Sale $5 fee
- Rummage Sale Drop Off
- Rummage Sale Drop Off
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Benediction and Mass
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Divine Mercy Chaplet and Litany
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Book House Dedication
- CYC Golf Registration Open
- Memorial Day Mass
- Confirmation
- Confirmation Practice and Service of Light
- Holy Infant School First Holy Communion
- PSR First Holy Communion
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- First Eucharist Family Night
- Men's CRHP Weekend
- Divine Mercy Sunday: Confessions
- Easter Sunday-Regular Mass Shedule
- Holy Saturday-Vigil
- Good Friday-The Lord's Passion
- Stations of the Cross
- Holy Thursday
- Living Stations of the Cross
- Living Stations of the Cross
- 7th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting
- Luke 18
- Men's Club Fish Fry
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Adult Faith Formation: Presents Dr. Feingold "The Passover, the Last Supper and the Institution of the Eucharist"
- St. Patrick's Celebration
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Burning of the Palms
- Birthright Trivia Night
- Fish Fry
- Stations of the Cross
- Stations of the Cross
- Lenten Mass
- Girl Scout Mass and Reception
- Holy Infant School 6th Grade Play
- Boy Scout Sunday Mass and Reflection
- Catholic Schools Week-Watch the Bulletin for Details
- Men's Club Trivia Night
- Boy Scout Pinewood Derby
- Confirmation Sponsor and Candidate Evening of Reflection
- Knights of Columbus Open House
- Adult Faith Formation Presents Speaker Leah Darrow
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God-Holy Day of Obligation
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God-Holy Day of Obligation
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Holiday Boutique
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Holy Infant Seniors Christmas Party
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament
- First Reconciliation for Holy Infant School 2nd Grade
- First Reconciliation for PSR 2nd Grade
- Youth Group presents "O Holy Night" followed by dinner in the Upper Cafeteria
- MOPS Breakfast with Santa
- Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament
- Parish Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- Holy Infant School Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- Baptism Prep Class-register at 227-7440
- PSR Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- PSR Thanksgiving Mass and Food Collection
- Holy Infant School Auction
- Baptisms-register at 227-7440
- Confirmation Commitment Ceremony
- Holy Infant School Open House
- Confirmation Commitment Ceremony
- Veteran's Day Celebration
- Paint and Sip
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- Baptisms-call 227-7440 to register
- Mass of Remembrance
- Trunk or Treat
- MOPS Bunco
- 2nd Grade First Reconciliation Evening of Reflection
- Book Fair
- Baptism Prep Class
- Baptism Prep Class
- Baptisms
- Virtual tour of the New Cathedral
- Men's Golf Tournament-Pevely Farms
- "Blessed Are the Stressed" Presented by Sr. Mary Lea Hill
- Baptisms-Register at 227-7440
- St. Francis Pet Blessing
- Parish Flu Shots
- Bloodmobile
- Baptisms-register at 227-7440
- No 5:30 pm Mass today
- Happy Anniversary of Your Ordination, Msgr. Mike!
- Happy Birthday Msgr. Mike!
- Labor Day Mass
- School Band Meeting
- Girl Scout Recruitment Night
- 2nd Saturday Hour of Prayer
- Women's CRHP
- Organ Concert
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Holy Infant School Closing Mass
- Holy Childhood Mission Mass
- Ash Wednesday-Special All School Liturgy
- St. Patrick Center Casseroles Drop Off
- St. Patrick Center Casseroles Drop Off
- St. Patrick Center Casseroles Drop Off
- St. Patrick Center Casserole Drop Off
- St. Patrick Center Casseroles Drop Off
- St. Patrick's Center Casserole Drop Off
- Independence Day-one Mass today
- Blood Drive
- Parish School of Religion (PSR) Registration Open
- Parish Office Closed
- Rummage Rampage 1/2 off sale
- Rummage Rampage
- Rummage Rampage Sale $5 admission
- Rummage Rampage Drop Off
- Rummage Rampage Drop Off
- Vacation Bible School
- Holy Infant School Ash Wednesday Mass
- Parish Mission with Fr. James Mason
- Parish Mission with Fr. James Mason
- Parish Mission with Fr. James Mason
- Boy Scout Sunday and Reception
- Holiday Boutique
- Confirmation Practice and Service of Light
- Memorial Day Mass
- Holy Infant School Living Stations
- Shamrock Shuffle
- Holy Infant School Open House
- Faith and Science : What Does the Church Teach?
- Holy Infant School Auction
- Stephen Ministry Information Night
- CYC Basketball Registration is Open
- Corpus Christi
- Holy Infant School 8th Grade Graduation
- Holy Infant School Field Day
- PSR Mass and Picnic
- Confirmation
- Confirmation Practice and Service of Light
- Holy Infant School Fine Arts Night
- PSR First Eucharist
- Holy Infant School First Eucharist
- 7th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting
- Luke 18
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter
- Easter Vigil
- The Lord's Passion
- Way of the Cross
- Mass of the Lord's Supper
- 8th Grade Living Stations of the Cross
- St. Patrick's Day Celebration
- Birthright Trivia
- Men's CRHP Retreat
- Way of the Cross
- Fish Fry
- Lenten Mass
- Way of the Cross
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- 1st Eucharist Family Night
- Burning of the Palms
- Girl Scout Mass and Reception
- Sixth Grade Play
- Catholic Schools Week
- Men's Club Trivia
- Confirmation Sponsor and Candidate Evening of Reflection
- Knights of Columbus Open House
- Pinewood Derby
- Baptism Prep Class-call 227-7440 to register
- Solemnity, Mother of God
- Solemnity, Mother of God
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Immaculate Conception-Holy Day of Obligation
- Holy Infant School First Reconciliation
- PSR First Reconciliation
- O Holy Night
- Breakfast with Santa
- Thanksgiving Mass
- Food Collection for St. Wenceslaus Food Pantry
- Confirmation Groups Commitment Ceremony
- Confirmation Groups Commitment Ceremony
- Veteran's Day Celebration
- Paint and Sip
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- All Saints Day-Holy Day of Obligation
- St. Francis Blessing of the Pets
- 2nd Grade Reconciliation Evening of Reflection
- MOPS Bunco
- Trunk or Treat
- Mass of Remembrance
- CRHP 20th Anniversary Mass with Fr. Joe Kempf
- Marian Talk Presented by Dr. Lawrence Feingold
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Serve St. Louis
- Serve St. Louis
- Annual Holy Infant Soccer Showcase
- Parish Flu Shot Event
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Confirmation Parent Evening of Reflection
- Men's CRHP Retreat
- First Day of PSR!
- First Day of PSR!
- First Day of PSR!
- Baptisms (Call 227-7440 to register)
- All School Mass/Mission Mass
- All School Mass
- All School Mass
- All School Mass
- All School Mass
- All School Mass
- All School Mass
- Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Confirmation Facilitator's Training
- No Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Today
- First Saturday Devotions-No Video Today
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Holy Day of Obligation
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Holy Day of Obligation
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Holy Day of Obligation
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Holy Day of Obligation
- Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop
- St. Patrick Center Casserole Drop-Off
- Back to School Night
- Holy Infant School Meet and Greet
- Kindergarten Coalition Meeting
- Baptism Class (call 227-7440 to register)
- Knights of Columbus Adult BINGO
- Donut Sunday
- Independence Day Mass
- Reception for Fr. Michael in Front of Church
- Rummage Rampage
- Rummage Rampage
- Rummage Rampage
- Rummage Rampage Donations Accepted
- Rummage Rampage Donations Accepted
- Knights of Columbus Adult Bingo
- Mass of Thanksgiving with Fr. Jacob Carlin! Reception to Follow in Upper Cafeteria!
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Corpus Christi Procession and BBQ to follow
- Memorial Day Mass
- 2017 Soccer Referee Training (Clinic 1 of 3)
- Soccer and Volleyball Registration Open
- Golf and Lacrosse Registration Open
- Soccer Registration Open
- Volleyball Registration Open
- Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Divine Mercy Sunday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Divine Mercy Sunday Confessions
- Lenten Mass
- Morning Prayer
- Morning Prayer
- Morning Prayer
- No stations today
- Living Stations Presented by 8th Grade
- 7th Grade Father/Son BBQ
- Ash Wednesday (school Mass)
- Holy Infant Business Network
- Pro Life Committee Meeting
- Mega Church Preacher's Conversion to Mega Catholic
- The Connection Between Joy and Suffering
- 33 Days to Morning Glory
- Reconciliation
- Soulcore
- Following in the Footsteps of Jesus
- 40 Days for Life Volunteer Sign Ups After Masses
- 40 Days for Life Volunteer Sign Ups After Masses
- Vacation Bible School
- Birthright Trivia Night
- Feast of St. Blase: Blessing of the Throats
- Feast of St. Blase: Blessing of the Throats
- Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus after Masses
- Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus after Masses
- Holy Infant School Open House after 8am Mass
- 40 Days for Life at Planned Parenthood
- Peaceful Prayer at Planned Parenthood (rescheduled from last week)
- Stories Worth Sharing with Seminarian Cole Bestgen and Mitch Baer
- Louise Zahn Funeral
- Fr. Foy Farewell Mass and Party
- Jonah Prayer Team After Mass
- Jonah Prayer Team After Mass
- Jonah Prayer Team after Mass
- Happy Birthday Pope Francis!
- National Night of Prayer for Life
- Constance Lowery Funeral
- Holy Infant School Auction
- Holy Infant School Open House
- Daylight Saving Time-Turn Clocks Back
- Teams of Our Lady Info Night
- Marilyn Chappius Funeral
- Prayer Service for the Election
- Fr. Bannes Funeral
- Fr. Bannes Visitation in Church
- Rosary for Fr. Bannes Tonight at 7pm
- Dan Tarleton Funeral Mass
- Knights Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus after Mass
- Knights Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus after Mass
- Women's CRHP Agape Service
- Frances Bergjans Memorial Mass
- Happy Birthday Deacon Dan!
- Happy Birthday Fr. Stanger!
- Anniversary of Deacon Dan's Ordination!
- Anniversary of Fr. Stanger's Ordination
- Antique/Vintage and Coin Appraisal Fundraiser
- Souls and Goals
- Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive
- Discover your Spiritual Gifts!
- Don Drier Funeral
- Boy Scouts and Venturing Crew Popcorn Sale After All Masses
- Boy Scouts and Venturing Crew Popcorn Sale After All Masses
- Fishpot Creek Bluegrass Band Concert
- Life Teen Leadership Conference
- Hidden Lake (EDGE)
- Luke 18
- Generation Life: Pro-Life March
- Live Nativity
- Trunk or Treat
- Fall Retreat (Life Teen)
- 4:12 (Life Teen)
- EDGE HIStory Retreat
- EDGE Café
- EDGE Night
- Life Night
- Tim Steenberge Funeral
- Parish Flu Shots
- Valu Foods Truckload Sale
- Valu Foods Truckload Sale
- Valu Foods Truckload Sale
- Knights of Columbus Trivia
- Labor Day Mass
- St. Patrick Center Casseroles: Both due today
- No 5: 30 pm Mass
- Natalie Kelley Prayer Service at Shrader Family Center
- Jerry Calcagno Funeral Mass
- HIS Meeting
- Stephen Ministry Info Night
- 7th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting
- Confirmation
- Confirmation Practice and Service of Light
- Day School First Eucharist
- PSR First Eucharist
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Easter Sunday Mass
- Holy Saturday Easter Vigil
- Good Friday The Lord's Passion
- Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper
- 7th Grade Father/Daughter Dance
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Maggie Bonn Memorial Mass
- Men's CRHP Retreat
- St. Patrick's Day Festival
- The Way of the Cross
- Confirmation Retreat
- Shamrock Shuffle
- The Way of the Cross
- Fish Fry
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Burning of the Palms
- First Eucharist Parent/Child Evening of Reflection
- Day School 6th Grade Play
- Men's Club SuperBowl Fundraiser
- Catholic Schools Week
- Men's Club Trivia Night
- Confirmation Sponsor and Candidate Evening of Reflection
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Confirmation Parent Evening of Reflection
- Assumption-Not Holy Day of Obligation
- Baptism Prep Class (call 227-7440 to register)
- Day School First Day! K-8
- Divorce Care Starts
- Day School Back to School Night
- Day School Meet the Teacher
- Basketball Signups Grade 3-8 Begin Online
- School Band Info Night
- Cub Scouts Night
- Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus
- Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus
- Px90 Super Saturday
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Vigil Mass
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Vigil Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Day Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Christmas Eve Mass
- Ladies Advent Tea
- Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
- HIS Christmas Party
- Day School First Reconciliation
- PSR First Reconciliation
- Youth Group Live Nativity
- Blessing of the Infant Jesus
- MOPS Breakfast with Santa
- Mike Kelly Tournament
- Mike Kelly Tournament
- RCIA Day of Reflection
- Baptisms (call 227-7740 to register)
- Food Drive for St. Wenceslaus
- Thanksgiving Day Mass
- Confirmation Groups' Commitment Ceremony Mass
- Confirmation Groups' Commitment Ceremony Mass
- Veteran's Day Celebration
- Paint and Sip sponsored by Adult Faith Formation
- All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
- All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
- All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
- All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Mass of Remembrance
- Trunk or Treat
- 2nd Grade First Reconciliation Evening of Reflection
- MOPS Bunco
- Bingo!
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Women's CRHP Retreat
- Serve St. Louis
- Confirmation Parent Evening of Reflection
- Plants of the Bible sponsored by Adult Faith Formation
- Baptism Prep Class (call 227-7440 to register)
- Men's CRHP Retreat
- Men's CRHP Retreat
- PSR Classes Start
- Day School Family Reading Night
- Toni Lynch Memorial Mass
- 40 Days for Life Prayer at Planned Parenthood
- Holy Infant Business Network
- Men's Club Golf Tournament
- Peggy Drury Funeral
- Pete DeRum Funeral
- CANCELLED! Mass in the Grass
- Holy Infant Family Night with the River City Rascals
- Pray the Rosary with the Knights of Columbus
- Rosary for Peace
- Bingo!
- First Saturday Devotions
- Parish Festival
- Parish Festival
- Peaceful Prayer at Planned Parenthood
- July 4th Mass
- Jim Sturm Funeral
- Red Cross Blood Drive
- Iris Hensley Funeral
- Mass and Open House for Beata
- Bingo
- Patricia Green Funeral
- Pray the Rosary
- Incredible Pizza Family Night
- Pilgrimage to Holy Land Info Night
- Parish Office Closed
- HIS Picnic
- James Fritschie Funeral
- Mickey Quarternik Funeral
- Holy Hour of Prayer
- Happy Mother's Day
- Stories Worth Sharing: Srs. Laurentia and Rosario
- Virtue Building Media Club Movie Night
- Virtue Building Media Club Begins
- Both casseroles to St. Patrick Center
- Teams of Our Lady Information Night
- Teams of our Lady Information Night
- School Night to Join Boy Scouts
- HIS Meeting
- Jessica Wulf Funeral
- Doris Erwin Funeral
- Men's Club Cardinals Game
- Arline Klug Funeral
- Angela Brown Funeral
- Rummage Rampage Sale
- Rummage Rampage Sale
- Rummage Rampage Sale $5
- Rummage Rampage Goods Drop Off
- Rummage Rampage Goods Drop Off
- Baptism Class
- Baptisms
- Vacation Bible School
- Memorial Day Mass
- Confirmation
- First Eucharist-PSR
- First Eucharist-Day School
- Corpus Christi Procession
- Sr. Rosario and Sr. Laurentia School Mass
- Joseph Stuckenscheider Funeral
- Rita Helfrich Funeral
- Sr. Rosario and Sr. Laurentia Parish Celebration
- The Road Kings Concert and Dance
- Fr. Stanger's 25th Anniversary Mass and Reception
- Stories Worth Sharing
- Feast of Jesus' Divine Mercy
CL Testimonials
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