Holy Infant Youth Ministry
Our mission at Holy Infant Youth Ministry is to create a community where young people authentically encounter Christ to be formed as a disciple.
News for High School
- Fall Kick off will be September 8th
- Tuesdays are called “ARISE” and we will be giving teens options to pray, do homework, and dive deeper into topics that include: Scripture, Faith life, and prayer
- All High Schoolers are welcome to join us every Sunday and Tuesday from 7-9PM in the Youth House
News for Middle School
- Middle School Ministry will begin September 11th 6:30-8PM at the Youth House
- Edge Retreat will be held September 21st 9AM-6:30PM at the Youth House
- Middle School Ministry registration can be found under the “Middle School” Tab below
High School Youth Group meets every Sunday and Tuesday from 7-9PM in the Youth House. All High schoolers are welcome to attend. These nights include games, talks, small groups, praise and worship and so much more!
Sundays are nights of formation, diving into topics relating to the faith and high school life, developing prayer life, and sharing with our community.
Every Tuesday we have “Arise” Where the Youth Room is open for homework, fellowship, and prayer.
Middle School Youth Group is for current 7th and 8th grade students. We meet every other Wednesday (unless otherwise listed) from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Youth House (237 Nancy Place). These nights are led by our EDGE Core Team, as well as an amazing group of our high school juniors and seniors.
This Semester’s Middle School Nights are:
- September 11th
- October 2nd
- October 16th
- October 30th
- November 13th
- November 20th
- December 4th
- December 18th
Modern Man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”
-Pope Paul VI
The Core Team, is a group of adult volunteers with a passion for the youth. They help lead small groups, give talks, and walk alongside teens in their journey with Christ. The hope is to have the Core Team be role models—providing a variety of examples for what it looks like to live a life of faith.
If you are interested in serving, please contact Alex Stenberg or fill out the application!
Core Team FAQs
1. So wait, What is it? I am so glad you asked! Core team is a group of volunteers who help lead and support the teens of St. Francis Assisi Parish, through our Youth Ministry program.
2. Who is eligible to be a member? Any adult 20+ years old who is living out their Catholic faith. Please note: this is NOT ONLY for young adults.
3. Why do we have it? Simply because Jesus had a core team (the apostles) and if we are trying to live a life that imitates Him, it is not a mission that can be done on alone. Also, I cannot reach/ connect with every teen in our parish- that would just be insane. The idea is that you bring your own unique gifts, talents, and perspectives, and more than likely, there is a teen similar to you! They need a variety of examples of what a practicing Catholic looks like.
4. What does the commitment look like? The Core Team is expected to be present every Sunday night, and on Tuesday nights whenever possible. There is also a Core meeting about once a month, and a retreat once per semester. There are other events that will take place throughout the semester and we would love and appreciate your involvement as much as possible. If you are concerned about your availability, talk to Alex and you can both discuss how to best proceed.
5. What are the expectations? As a Core member, you are expected to be a practicing Catholic on fire for your faith, a good role model to teens, and knowledgeable about the Catholic Church. This is NOT a paid position, and it is our hope that our Core members have a desire to help because they see the value in investing in the youth of our parish and Church.
6. Practically, what does the Core Team do? Throughout the year a core team member will; lead small groups, occasionally give talks to our teens, pray for our teens, attend retreats and events, and attend core team meetings (once a month). While at youth group, you are present and available to teens (even if it is talking to a girl about snakes for 30 minutes, and you don’t like snakes). Simply the fact that you show up, helps show the teens you care, but invest in them and you will be amazed at how the Lord works through you and in your heart. Other practical things a core team member can do is: attend the high schooler’s activities, ask them how their week was, ask how you can pray for them, talk to them during breaks, etc.
7. I want to contribute to the youth ministry program but do not have that much time to give. How can I help? We would love to have a list of parishioners to call on when we need the occasional help on retreats with providing meals or transportation. We would also love to have a group of parishioners committed to praying for our teens this is called our “Friends of HIYM”. If either of these sound like something you would want to be a part of, contact our youth minister, Alex Stenberg.
8. What should I do if I am interested in volunteering with the Youth Ministry program? If you would like to learn more or would like to discuss the possibility of being on our high school Core Team, middle school Core Team, our prayer team, or our team of extra helpers, reach out to Alex Stenberg.
Other Upcoming Events
Fall Kick off- September 8, 2024 7-9PM
Parish Festival- September 12-13, 2024
Fall Parent Meeting- September 17, 2024 6PM
Edge Retreat- September 21, 2024
Fall Retreat November 8-10, 2024
Luke 18- April 4-6, 2025
Alex Stenberg
Director of Youth Ministry
Alex is a Kansas native, and graduated in 2019 from Benedictine College with Degrees in Theology and Youth Ministry, and immediately started pursuing a master’s in business administration. Upon graduation, Alex started a career in youth ministry in St. Louis and has worked at parishes in the county. Alex loves ice cream, coffee, and talking to teens about how much Jesus loves them. Her goal is to form Catholic missionary disciples that know the radical love that comes from Jesus and His church.
- Email- youthminister@holyinfantballwin.org
- Phone- (636) 227- 7440 x128
Save the Date- Fall Retreat
November 8-10, 2024 @Pallottine
$250- High School Students
join HIYM to Pallotine for a weekend of rest, prayer, friends and fun. Check back in the fall for more information!
Please join us for an awesome weekend at Missouri state with 3,000 other young catholics from across the midwest! Stuebenville is a weekend away with your friends where we pray, play, sing, and hear from some famous speakers about how to live and grow in our faith! Spots are limited, so don’t hesitate to sign up!!
You can check out Steubenville’s website at Steubystl.com
Totus Tuus 2025
JUNE 2nd-6th -HOLY INFANT – $50
I am excited to announce that we are bringing back Totus Tuus to Holy Infant this summer from June 5th-9th. This will be taking place of VBS. There is a day program for our incoming 1st-6th graders from 8:30am-3:00pm. We will also be offering an evening program for our incoming 7th-high school students. Since this is a new program spots are limited so make sure to sign up!
Totus Tuus is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel in a dynamic way. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people develop their relationship with Christ and His Church for lifelong discipleship. Emphasis is placed on the Eucharist and Our Lady. Our college missionaries have a great impact on the youth who attend with their faith and joy. Totus Tuus assists parents and parishes in evangelizing and catechizing their youth by supplementing the work they are already doing.
We are limited to 75 Spots in our day program, so please sign up quickly to reserve your spot!
7th-High school students do not have to register. They can just show up at the Youth House for the evening sessions.
This is used as a tool to help you prepare for the sacrament of Confession. This examination goes through the 7 deadly sins
A litany written by a Sister of Life, to help us grow in TRUST.
Ever tried reading the Bible? It’s a big task. Fr. Mike Schmitz helps break up the stories and explain them in context of the church! Read the whole bible in just a year! You can listen to it on the ascension press website, as well as apple podcasts, and Spotify.
Discerning Parent: An Ignation Guide to Raising Your Teen
Parenting a teenager can be difficult, Tim and Sue Muldoon offer guidance to raising teens Catholic in today’s world.
A personal retreat based on the teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux. Walking you through a personal relationship with Jesus, and what confidence in the God looks like.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Thursday: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Or by appointment.
Please call the Parish Office at (636) 227-7440.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Adoration Chapel (inside the main doors of church, located to your left) 24/7.
When you go to Adoration you can go for 5 minutes (Just to say, “Hi” to Jesus) or longer. It is common for adorers to have 30 min- 1 hour long slots.
While in Adoration you can stand, sit, or kneel (whatever makes you most comfortable) And you just spend time with the Lord. You can read a religious book (See book recommendations), read the bible (Sunday’s Gospel is a great place to start), Journal (I usually format it as writing letters to God about my day), or sit in silence.
Really it’s not about what you do, it’s who you do it with. Simply being with Jesus consoles His Heart.