You Are Invited to Join The “Re-boot” of The Junior Legion of Mary at Holy Infant

What is the Junior Legion of Mary?

Primarily, the purpose is for members, both boys and girls, to grow in faith and holiness.  Grace is our purpose and our engine. Members do this through prayer and spiritual work in union with our Blessed Mother under the guidance of Senior Legion of Mary members and a Spiritual Director.[1]

We will meet weekly to pray together and discuss our assigned spiritual works of Mercy. The spiritual director will lead the discussion to study the Catholic Faith. 

The Junior Legion of Mary gives children an opportunity to dedicate themselves to the Blessed Mother.  It teaches them to give to the church, rather than simply wait for what they can receive. It will provide a firm, Catholic foundation for our youth by building an army for our Lady.  We will love Mary with our sleeves rolled up! We will pray and work with Mary and the Holy Spirit for our own holiness and for the conversion of the world. 

  • The Junior Legion of Mary is available to all children from 7-17 years old (no matter where you go to school). 
  • Starting January 7, 2023, we will meet on Saturdays from 9-10 AM in the Holy Infant Room at Holy Infant Parish in Ballwin.

To register, go to https://forms.gle/pAoUZZKisVmhntog7

Questions? Contact: Ginnie Guinness  ginguinness@yahoo.com  call or text 314-922-3714 

Our Spiritual Director is Mary Sturm.  Mary is a Certified Director of Religion Education, an active member of Holy Infant Parish for 34 years, an active member of the Holy Infant Legion of Mary.  She was a teacher in elementary and high schools for 39 years, 31 years in Catholic schools.