Teams of Our Lady is a movement of “Married Spirituality” which brings together Christian couples united by the Sacrament of Marriage; and who wish, together, to deepen the graces of their Sacrament of Marriage.

A Way to Grow…

Teams of Our Lady was founded by Father Henri Caffarel in France in 1947 and has spread to over 10,000 Teams world-wide. Teams came to the United States in 1958 where there are currently over 700 Teams. Teams Of Our Lady is a lay movement officially recognized by the Holy See under the Pontifical Council for the Laity.  A team is a group of five to seven couples and a spiritual advisor who meet once a month to share, pray and discuss challenges of living a Christian marriage and life. Couples use a time-tested format to meet their needs and desires of growing closer in love and faith through Teams of Our Lady and in the process they discover support for one another and for their marriage.

As married couples, the goal is to grow closer together in love and holiness. Yet in today’s busy society, with forces and stresses that can undermine both marriage and faith, where can couples fine the time to connect not only with one another but with Christ?

Teams of Our Lady is an international Catholic movement active in over 50 countries.  Teams are currently active in throughout the United States in three languages:  English, Portuguese and Spanish.  We are always seeking to share the gift of Teams and strengthen Christian marriages.  We welcome you to join us.

Contact: Jeanne and Cameron Bond (636) 675-2782
