Since 1922, the White House Retreat has offered comfort to retreat-goers making a three-day silent journey with the Lord based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. The retreat facilities are 75 acres of beautiful grounds in South St. Louis County on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River and the rich Illinois farm land. Historic limestone buildings enhance the spiritual peace of this Jesuit house of retreats.

Explore the grounds, walk the Way of the Cross, and pray at shrines to Our Lord, the Holy Family, Our Lady, and St. Joseph. It is a perfect setting for your reception of Our Lord’s Gift of Peace. You are with women or men of many walks of life, many trades, many minds, many professions and faiths, making your silent journey with the Lord. On your journey you listen to instructive, informal talks by the Jesuit retreat director. You have the opportunity for private conferences, daily celebration of the Eucharist, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. Your director and the staff of Jesuits are always available.

Your private room with bath and tasty, family-style meals shared in silence enhance your experience. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks are available throughout the day. Optional fellowship after the evening meals offers you the opportunity to share your thoughts, renew old friendships, and make new friends in faith.

In your retreat silence – a hallmark of the Spiritual Exercises – you journey with the Lord in a renewal of mind, spirit, and body. You come to the faith realization that God truly loves me!

Pictures, video, and more detailed information are available at the White House Retreat Home Page at

The White House Retreat is not a substitute for any of the spiritual enrichment programs available at Holy Infant. It is an enhancement to your spiritual life. Anyone over 18 years of age seeking to get closer to God is welcome. Please accept the Lord’s invitation to Come aside and rest a while. (Mark 6:30)

Contact: Mike Lanemann at (636) 219-7096 or Pat Buehrle at (314) 616-4533