The most important part of our lives as Catholic Christians is the celebration of the Eucharist. Since the founding of the Church, this has included the use of song in praise of God.  The Second Vatican Council in addressing sacred music states: The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 112)  Here at Holy Infant we strive to live this wonderful vision.


The treasure of sacred music is to be preserved and fostered with great care.  Choirs must be diligently developed… (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 114)  The choir, whether in religious communities or parishes, has always provided the musical leadership for the Roman Catholic Mass.   We are fortunate at Holy Infant to have a fine long-standing tradition of sacred choral music.

  • The Holy Infant Choir, sings weekly at the 10:15 Mass.   (September through Corpus Christi). Contact Laura Kramer at (314) 640-9437 or
  • The Joyful Noise Choir sings the second and fourth Sunday of the month at the 8:30 Mass.  Contact Sue Gittemeier at (314) 607-4830 or
  • The Youth Band sings weekly at the Noon Mass and offers Christian-Contemporary music. Contact Carrie Bajzath at (314) 398-6996.
  • The Resurrection Choir sings for all Masses of Christian Burial at the parish.   The Resurrection Choir prays and sings with those gathered in a loving offering to God on behalf of and for our parishioners. Contact Bonnie Mohr at (636) 577-9037 or
  • Instrumentalists will you share your talents?  Contact the Parish Office at (636) 227-7440.


The role of cantor is very important to our Roman Catholic liturgy. Cantors are present to help lead congregational singing, chant the responsorial Psalm, and lead music for other parts of the Mass as needed.  The responsibility of leading the parish in sung prayer is very great, but rehearsal time is very flexible.

We are always searching for new cantors.  Please contact the Parish Office (636) 227-7440  for more information.


As assembly of the faithful — you are important to parish music!  Through prayers, responses, dialogues, and singing, you support our parish music ministry and act as the main voice in our parish music program.  The assembly’s singing is an expression of our faith and therefore is a necessary part of the liturgical celebration.  In addition to active participation at Mass, your prayers support our musical mission and enable us to continue our fine musical offerings.


Because you are worshipping in the pews week after week, you are already part of the parish music program at Holy Infant!  Some music ministries, such singing as a cantor or in the Holy Infant Choir, or playing an instrument will require a low-stress audition and some basic musicianship skills.  For other choirs an audition may not be required.

New members for any of these choirs / groups are always welcome.  Please contact the Parish Office at  (636) 227-7440  for more information.