This organization encourages and supports all forms of LIFE, including unborn babies, pregnant women, and the elderly. As part of the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Committee, this organization monitors political happenings, such as pending pro-life bills, political candidates’ platforms on pro-life issues, and changes in pro-life legislation. Your support and participation are strongly encouraged.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE sponsored by the Coalition for Life

Our mission is to end abortion peacefully and prayerfully.  We must bear witness for those who cannot speak for themselves by creating a public image that is peaceful in order to demonstrate our Christian values and our faithful commitment to help the unborn.  We are also asked to fast and pray for the unborn during the 40 days and by word-of-mouth to spread the news about the 40 Days for Life. The vigil of 40 days is a powerful, prayerful witness to the dignity of every human life.  The 40 Days for Life Campaign is held twice a year in the Fall and in the Spring.  There are two Sign-Up Weekends to give Holy Infant parishioners the opportunity to sign up for an hour of prayer in front of Planned Parenthood on Holy Infant’s adopted day.

Contact: Bill Koop at (636) 893-2787

Join us for a Rosary for Life after 8 a.m. Mass every Saturday.