A group of Holy Infant parishioners operates the St. Wenceslaus Food Pantry out of the basement of St. Wenceslaus Church (3014 Oregon Avenue, St. Louis MO 63118). Food is given out on the third Monday of each month to the residents who live within the established boundaries. The number of people that receive the food averages 225 a month.

Much of the food is donated by Holy Infant Parish members on Thanksgiving, along with food donations from our school children, P.S.R. classes, Holy Infant Seniors, and private donations. Some food is purchased as necessary to fill items that are not available. Food is also purchased from the State Food Bank and Operation Food Search. The procurement and delivery of the food, along with the sorting and stocking of shelves, requires a number of helping hands, bodies, and vehicles. Additional help is always welcome.

Contact:   Bill Koop (636) 893-2787 or