Members of the parish contribute a green bean casserole or a hamburger casserole on the First Thursday of each month to St. Patrick Center downtown. This center feeds more than 150 people a day who might not otherwise have a decent meal. Casseroles are dropped off locally and delivered to St. Patrick Center by a designated driver.
Delivery Guidelines
- Only use pans and lids provided by St. Patrick Center
- Make sure that the casseroles are frozen solid and that the lids are on tight
- Write the name of the casserole on the lid
- Please deliver casseroles to the vestibule after 4pm on Wednesday and before 9 am on the first Thursday of the month. See below for exact dates
- Place casseroles in the large white cooler or blue bag if the coolers are full
- Take a new pan and lid for next month: Pans can be picked up on drop off day, in the ushers room during Masses, and in the Parish Office during regular office times.
Thank you for your generous support!
Contact: Anne Mosinski at (636) 236-1481
2025 Casserole Schedule:
After 4 p.m. on: Before 9 a.m. on:
January 1 January 2
February 5 February 6
March 5 March 6
April 2 April 3
April 30 May 1
June 4 June 5
July 2 July 3
August 6 August 7
September 3 September 4
October 1 October 2
November 5 November 6
December 3 December 4