Every week, Holy Infant Catholic Church is alive with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to other parishioners and groups that reach out to the community. A part of being an active member of our Parish is to find the ministry where your talents can best be utilized. We have many ministries to choose from. Learn more by clicking here.

We are called to take stewardship more seriously in our parishes and in our own personal lives by focusing on the three Ps of stewardship: Prayer, Participation and Payback.


A steward is someone who manages property that belongs to someone else. A good steward does his or her job as a manager well. A poor steward fails to do what the owner expects. How do we know what the owner (God) expects of us if we are not in close communication with Him through prayer? Archbishop Carlson suggests four simple stewardship prayers that we should all say every day.

  • Lord, what do You want me to do with all the gifts you have given me-including my time, my talents and my material things?
  • Lord, how would You like me to become more fully involved in the life of Your Church?
  • Lord, how would you like me to payback all the gifts You have given me?
  • Lord, what do You want me to do with all the gifts You have given me?


This part of stewardship must begin with our participation in Mass and should extend into our participation in family life, civic affairs, and church ministries. Holy Infant Catholic Church has many ministries in which you can become involved.

  • Make Mass your top priority on Sunday
  • Re-commit yourself to your current parish ministries
  • Choose at least one new ministry to join
  • Teach your children to serve in the Church


We all have a responsibility to payback the gifts God has given us. The U.S. Bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship tells us that a Christian steward is one who ‘returns God’s gifts with increase’. That means we take the gifts that God has given us and grow them and share them generously with others.

  • Commit to a specific gift each week or month
  • Use your offertory envelope or set up automatic payments online by clicking here (Holy Infant’s giving code is MO31)
  • Support the parish even when you are out of town
Faith Direct is an electronic giving program that is convenient and easy to use. This method provides us with a consistent cash flow and allows you to no longer worry about writing checks or finding your envelopes on Sunday morning. Click here to learn more (Holy Infant’s giving code is MO31)

Tax-wise giving is referred to by many names. While some people refer to it as charitable estate planning, the most common term used for tax-wise giving is “Planned Giving”. Although all gifts are planned in one way or another, “planned giving”, generally refers to making a gift now while retaining an interest in the donated property, or arranging for a gift that the charity will receive in the future or at the donor’s death.
Holy Infant’s FEIN # is 43-6013943

Ways to Give:

  • Wills and Trust Bequests
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Life Insurance/Retirement Plans
  • Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Real Estate Gifts
  • Stock and Securities
  • Perpetual Light Society
  • IRA Charitable Rollover

Please call the Parish Office at (636) 227-7440 or visit for more specific information on planned giving.